Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tidbits of Truth

"Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore, do not be anxious."  ~Matthew 6:26-30

In this world today, everyone has an angle. Each time we open our eyes, we see our situations, our emotions, our LIVES through a certain angle. Maybe it's more of a subconscious angle, but an angle none the less. Whether your angle is that of when the next ice cream truck will pass your house, or how you can take over the world in 30 minutes or less, we all live with angles. Mine tends to be that of what I can control in my life.

I strive to find things I can control, and then try to place them at the center of my existence. Those things are what my life revolves around. They make me feel like I have power over something. "I'VE got THIS area of my life together. THIS area is under MY control." And then, sure enough, as soon as I smugly think such thoughts, the Lord's humorous side come out. WA-LA! I'm left, blinking, holding NOTHING at the "center of my existence". Instead, I watch the Lord remind me that it never was in my control to begin with, as He removes my, so called, "control" over that situation, or schedule, or item. He once more seeks to draw my trust back to HIM, rather than IT, by removing the interfering "it", leaving me with nothing left in my center, but HIMSELF.

And it hurts sometimes! It hurts something AWFUL! But once I place that trust back in Him, and return Him to His rightful place at the very center of myself, there is so much more PEACE and JOY than there ever was in anything material that I might have sought to control. It's often helpful for me to have reminders of how the Lord's control, is ALWAYS, ALWAYS better than my own. I want to be able to look back someday and SEE just how sweet it was to wait on Him! I want to remember His faithfulness to me. And tell my children, and grand-children, and GREAT grand-children, of how He has never STOPPED being faithful to me!

So may this context help to frequently remind me of His active, constant, work in my life. And may I NEVER stop looking for all the ways in which He IS at work to provide for me, just as He does for the sparrows and the lilies! He's ALWAYS been faithful, and WILL be AGAIN!
To HIM, and Him ALONE, be all glory, and honor, and praise FOREVER!

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